Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Entertainment FIX

Hey my best buddies,

Hope you're doing great with your writing so far.

You know, there's something really special I'd like to share with you all today. And whilst having decided to actually write about it, something even more special happened to me lately.

I turned off TV and RADIO!

"What did you turn OFF?!" - I hear you say .. :) Yes totally correct. You read that right!

Serenity Encapsulated :)
And now I feel REALLY SERENE.

Let me explain one thing though, as am more than sure that the above sounded like heresy to some of you.


You see, my best buddies, what would you rather invest in -

    BAD NEWS, found all over the place


    GOOD NEWS, found within

It's rather a simple concept isn't it? However it's not easy. At least not that easy FOR SOME. For those stubborn enough to really can't see themselves without the constant wave of negative stuff inundating their everyday life.

It's what I call - 'My Own Tragic Screenplay of Someone Else's Life'.

Do you get it now? Or are you still trying to save the world by being AWARE, present and involved in all of the world's bad situations to the minute? Do you even care really? Does it make any difference to you when you watch awful footage of the dire life conditions which has stricken African children, or simply watching an epic movie like 2012 whilst you enjoy your hot cocoa?

In my humble view it's a simple crave, and a very ugly one at that.

Some of us can't and won't discern the difference between fiction and horrible things happening to others. All we're after is an 'ENTERTAINMENT-FIX'. We want to see people burn, starve, drown, get shot, mutilate and what not. And if all this could could be done just in time for our favorite soap or footie game all the better.

THINK what you want to influence your brain with. I've learned from somewhere that your brain will automatically function independently to your awareness. Of course unless you feed it the RIGHT stuff,it will go on auto pilot and flash all sorts of bad stuff all day long.

The right stuff is everywhere around you. Could be the eyes you have to be able to read this. Could be the running water you showered in this morning. Could actually simply be your entire life. Your Screenplay Life awaits some new brainstorming sessions...

BTW - as regards the first 'SPECIAL' thing I wanted to write to you about when I started this post... I will write all about it next time :)

Until then...

To Your Screenplay Life


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