Thursday, 12 April 2012

Hatred is a NO-NO!

Hey you all :)

It’s always a pleasure being able to share something here. You guys give me strength and I’m sure that somehow you benefit from these few words I love to scribe.

Now let’s jump on today’s subject. HATRED. Yeah that’s the one for today. Maybe you have a grudge with someone. It’s not letting you THINK properly mate! You feel distraught and totally depleted on someone’s presence. So your innate instinct is to HATE. Talk down that person. Not merely ignoring them. No-no that won’t cut it! You have to FEEL hatred and 100% concentrate on wishing BAD things to them.

Hm. Maybe we all need some anger management. You know maybe you’ve seen the movie with Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler to name a few. THE-BEST-EVER-MOVIE it is not, however dealt with some issues in a hysterical way. Come to think of it, even our past situation where we really felt hatred towards someone, since it was in the past we might have forgotten a little bit. And suddenly we’re not feeling that bad right at this moment. We let go. And than, as if by accident, you sense a slight smile building across your face. “I conquered that situation.” – you think to yourself. And your heart floods with peace. It might not always be hysterical, but sometimes LIFE is. Remember you make it that way. You’re writing your scenes.


Have you ever been in a situation where you thought that HATING was a very reasonable way out? That 'this' situation at hand seemed getting worse and worse and the HATE factor kept on escalating higher and higher? It's normal, isn't it? Many of us have experienced such moments am sure. 'TOTAL-HATE' moments.

I don't really care if you guys are Religious or Spiritual in anture. The thing is that 'What you give out You RECEIVE back'. Period! And I’m sure you know you’ve heard that one before.

I'll keep on sharing this basic of Life's rules, for one day, each and everyone of us will start to attract PEACE OF MIND and not MORE reasons to HATE. What would you rather experience: someone forcing you to get into a fight, or someone who's willing to hear your views in a civil manner? Now that sounds cool, right? Maybe you ought to include that scene into your screenplay.

Think only good thoughts. Think only NICE things about ‘those’ persons who make you lose your cool. I know that some of you simply can’t grasp this idea just yet. Am here to tell you that it’s not too late. Remember you have one life, but you constantly re-write any part you’re about to experience. We’re not here to re-write our past. THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE. So let go! Don’t go about your life expecting to repeat the scenes you didn’t enjoy. Don't bother waking up in the morning with the INTENT of getting into a fight. If you do just that you'll definitely succeed BIG TIME. The more fighting you think about, the MORE fighting you'll have to face. And your screenplay will be all bloody and grotesque.
Character traits in awesome movies show us that a person goes though various phases to redeem oneself. Try for one second and think, REALLY think that you’re in unison with your CREATOR/GOD in controlling your arch. No more HATE moments. Replace them with something else. Preferably the polar opposite to that: LOVE. “Yea yea right, the usual sentimental stuff you see anywhere, but NOT IN MY LIFE.” – Did you just thought in those lines by any chance? If you did, no wonder you don’t get it just yet.

Luke Skywalker- “I can’t believe it?”
Yoda – “That’s why you fail.”  

Be still and see yourself surrounded by great and positive thinkers. Think only of those scenes which will help your script become an Oscar Winner.

Life is never HAPPENING to you.

Life is FOLLOWING your every writing you’re creating into your screenplay.

Renton - “Choose life.” (WARNING! Some rude words in the link.) Find your reasons to choose life. Renton did some mistakes. You don't need to repeat someone else's past. 

Cheers buddies.

To yourscreenplaylife


  1. Totally agree. Hatred leads you to more hatred. It is right to feel angry and yes we get hurt by other people in our lives. If you hate a person that hates you and you intend to keep on hating him/her, indirectly, you are doing the same as he/she is doing to you. It is never easy to forgive, but time will heal, and hang on to love because we are meant to love each other.


    1. Hey FLO!!

      Really nice of you to drop by and leave a message. Am also glad you believe in my point of view. I've been really lucky to be able to think this way. I will carry on doing whatever it takes to shift beliefs.

      Thank you sweet.

  2. Hey Lawrence, nice article :) This is very good for some reflection.

    I think hatred is also effected by the various point of views people have. I agree everyone must have experienced hatred but not everyone reflect it in the same way.

    At the end like you suggest Lawrence, love is the answer. With love and respect we are able to win big over this hatred. My little suggestion on this is that one needs not to wait for anybody else but himself to start this chain of love.

    Make Peace and Love,

    1. Hey there Ian, thank you for your lovely comments.

      You're absolutely spot-on when you mention about the different degrees of 'reflection' on hatred. But in my view, hatred leads to the same path of 'destruction of ones sole'

      It is said that LOVE is the greatest power in the universe. If you embrace LOVE's true potential, you lift yourself to unimaginable heights.

      Thank you once again Ian and have a great day..

      To yourscreenplaylife

  3. Hey Lawrence ..great article thanks for sharing..
    Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
    Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Cheers Chrissy

    1. Hey Chrissy,

      in your words I sensed wisdom :)

      And that is what I shall carry with me for today.

      Have a great day down under.

      Cheers ..

  4. I just read your blog and I wish to congratulate you for the brilliant way you deliver your message. You were able to merge your great passions; real life experiences and drama, in an awesome manner. Though I have been through a lot in my life I always, somehow, find a way to forgive the hatred shot at me. As I do not think that I can HATE. But one of my neighbours is giving me an intensive course in HATRED. I will refrain from narrating any of the terrible stuff they have put my family through in the last 17 years plus, but sincerely I am ready to forgive them the minute they realise what we had to endure. God Bless THEM, YOU (Wenz) and whoever reads this.

    1. Hey cHElseaf1,

      Thank you immensely for your wise comment. Am sure the world needs more people like you .. You bring more peace to this world with your deeds.

      I feel totally privileged to know you cHElseaf1.


      To Peace and Prosperity

