Hey all you beautiful people,
Hope you had some wicked fun coming up with all sort of great ideas for your screenplay.
You see, I've been coming across many people who simply want to share their suggestions and tips on how to improve my life. I thought to myself that this had to be shared with you all.
One major thing which keeps on getting people to struggle constantly in their life endeavors would have to be 'LACK OF TEAMWORK'. And this goes deep into our own psyche as individuals who have been inundated with - 'Don't trust no-one!' attitude. As many of you would know, whatever your field, whatever your hobby or profession, you ain't goin' nowhere if you ain't getting a team set-up.
A few days ago, a very dear friend of mine, came up with this idea of: "Why don't people work together instead of trying to break each other?"
Hm.. now that really intrigued me quite a bit. As we kept on discussing the above, I suggested he come up with some sort of solution for this seemingly terrifying problem: and you won't guess his response!
"It's obvious really. People should trust in each other and achieve whatever it is they need, quicker and they create more". Now this was the same guy who put all his attention on the problem first, then upon being asked for his views he immediately came up with quite an obvious solution: TRUST.
So I ask myself: "Why aren't people trusting each other enough and really achieve great things?"
- Perhaps some individuals are in it for personal gains?
- Perhaps some individuals were victimized in previous TEAM-ORIENTED projects?
- Perhaps some individuals are afraid of sharing their ideas with others?
- Perhaps some individuals have inner self-doubt and fear rejection?
We're all individual parts. Our little 'perfectness' will form part of the perfect machine. If there's friction with some parts, the machine will never work its full potential.
Do you want to be the PERFECT part?
Well, you already are.
Just go and find your place.. and the machine will produce perfect results.
Cheers you all..
To Your Screenplay Life
No man is an island!! :D A wise man taught me there is no I in T.E.A.M and it makes sense!
ReplyDeleteTo your friends question "Why don't people work together instead of trying to break each other?" I think it is mostly because of Pride and due to big Egos.
In my opinion if every person in a team looks deeply into the other members persona, capabilities, achievements, weaknesses and strengths they would realise that there is a common denominator. That is that everyone is perfect in their own way. One has just to listen and think about others actions before judging them.
I myself have worked in teams. Let it be a group of people and even when its in pairs. My husband is the best team mate I can ever have and with all of his less good qualities which he brings up into our married life, I look deeply and see that he has mostly Amazing Qualities and that is why our marriage works.
You see its a give and take... Sometimes I'm the nagging wife and he's the annoying husband. Sometimes I'm the amazing accountant and he's the best shopper :D but we are ALWAYS perfect for each other as we work in a team and we never once said I WANT THIS FOR MYSELF.
The same happens at work, in traffic, at public venues, restaurants etc....
If it's always about ME then then life would be toooo boring and stressful.
Listen and trust each other as no one is perfect and everyone deserves chances in life.